

   Cristiano Ronaldo He is considered to be one of the greatest footballers of all time, and, by some, as the greatest ever. Ronaldo began his professional career with Sporting CP at age 17 in 2002, and signed for Manchester United a year later. He won three back-to-back Premier League titles: in 2006-07 , 2007-08 , and 2008-09 . " If we can’t help our family, then who are going to help."-Cristiano Rinaldo Because he is a hard worker with all the shortcomings in his family, but with these shortcomings he must try more, so he can be successful and get the nickname "GOAT" and what is iconic about him is his scream when he puts in a goal "siuuuuuu".


  using reusable water bottle How many plastic bottles are in the ocean? The number of plastic bottles in the sea is unknown, but over 250 billion were not recycled. Around 8-9 million metric tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year. one of method to minize the use of plastic bottle is to bring your reusable water bottle. From the fact above, we know that plastic bottle polluting the sea by the quantity and the bad effects for the ocean environment. If you're already aware of plastic problems and you're trying to reduce waste, then a reusable water bottle is an easy first step. Additionally, taking a reusable water bottle everywhere you go will help promote plastic-free alternatives to your friends, family, co-workers, or anyone who sees you using it. Before long, reusable stainless-steel water bottles will be the social norm and disposable bottles a thing of the past. Bringing your own drinking bottle can be healthier for your body. you will avoid buying drinks out ther

My Holliday Activity

  Helooooo gesssss!!!  Hows your holidayy???, fun?? I want to tell story about my holliday for two weeks, you know what i'm going to tell you about story for two weeks? its so funn!!! The First Weeks Okayyy for the first weeks, i spend a lot of time with my friends, we go to dago and more precisely in the dago utara, i see a view of the city at night and i see lots of lights in the middle of the city that's makes so beautiful. this is me and my friend in North Dago, we took a picture with a view of the city because it is very beautiful. And next day i just hang out with others my friend. The Second Weeks and for the second weeks i just spend time at home its so boring because i just stay at home, but i learn guitar at my home, and i watch many film to spend time


 NI NENGAH WIDIASIH Ni Nengah Widiasih is a weightlifter. Ni Nengah Widiasih has limitations, namely legs that do not function normally (paralyzed) caused by a diagnosis of polio. This polio diagnosis caused Ni Nengah Widiasih to use a wheelchair because she could not walk, but her limitations did not dampen her entusiasm for winning the first gold medal for Indonesia. High spirits, not giving up easily make Ni Nengah Widiasih worthy of being an inspirational figure.

My favorit Atlet

  My favorit Atlet 1.) Has Yuji been injured throughout his career? 2.) What makes Yuji like volleyball? where is he inspired from? 3.) Who is Yuji's role model in volleyball? 4.) Due to the very striking cultural differences and very different from Japanese culture, has Yuji ever had a difficult time during his transition and adaptation in Italy?


About Me Hii ! I would like to introduce myself. My name is Rafly Rahmawan, you can call me kiplii or rapli. I'm 16years old and I live in Bandung. I have three brothers and I'm the last of four the siblings. My hobby is sleeping and listen to spotify music.